Built to self-host

The data involved in Error Tracking is as sensitive as the data from your application itself — it is your application-data after all.

We believe the best way to ensure your privacy and security is to simply never send this data to a third party in the first place, and instead keep it on your own servers.

This approach takes away whole classes of worries:

  • can this company be trusted? is it evil?
  • are they competent? what if they get hacked?
  • is it even legal to send this information to them?
  • will our data be used to train their AI model?

Easy from the ground up

Some say self-hosting is too hard. We believe these concerns are overblown (usually by companies that want to sell you their cloud service).

You’re a software developer and it’s 2024 — you can install software on a server, especially when it’s specicifally designed to be easy to install and maintain (which Bugsink is).

We’ve minimized the complexity of Bugsink to make it easy to instal by limiting the number of moving parts:

  • Serverless database (sqlite)
  • No separate message queue
  • No need for Kubernetes clusters

See the installation instructions for more information.