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To report errors to Bugsink, you only need to add a few lines of code to your application.

Bugsink consists of two main components: the Bugsink server and a matching client. The server is responsible for receiving error reports and displaying them in the dashboard, while the client is used to send error reports to the server. Bugsink reuses the open source Sentry SDKs for the client-side, which means you can easily integrate it into most popular programming languages and frameworks. (The Sentry team develops and maintains SDKs for most popular languages and frameworks, and there is also a large ecosystem supported by the community). We are committed to maintaining compatibility with the Sentry SDKs as they evolve, ensuring seamless integration for your applications.

The client-side integration is as simple as adding a few lines of configuration. Once you create a project in the Bugsink dashboard, you will get a Data Source Name (DSN), which is used to configure the SDK in your application. This DSN tells the SDK where to send error data, effectively allowing Bugsink to receive and process error events from your application.

For developers familiar with Sentry, the client-side experience remains the same—you use the Sentry SDK, whether for Python, JavaScript, or other supported languages. Bugsink handles the server-side processing, providing a drop-in replacement for Sentry with a focus on flexibility and control. Setting up Bugsink involves minimal changes on the client side, using your familiarity with Sentry’s tools to provide a seamless transition. Read more about Sentry’s SDKs here.

To summarize, Bugsink consists of the following components:

  • Server: Handles receiving and processing the error reports, and provides tools to manage and analyze them.
  • Client SDK: Uses Sentry’s open source SDKs, available for a wide range of languages.

You can also read about how Bugsink is built to self-host here or explore our story of scaling to millions of events.