
This quick guide walks you through the steps to get started with Bugsink: from just after installation to triggering and resolving your first issue.


  • Bugsink is already installed. If not, refer to the installation guide.
  • You’re starting with a clean install (since this guide is concerned with the first steps after installation).
  • The goal is to get to stacktraces and debug info as soon as possible; further configuration is be covered in another guide.


  1. In your browser go to the URL where you installed Bugsink.

  2. You will see the login page. Log in with the email and password you provided during installation (in the createsuperuser step).

  3. On the empty “Teams” page, click on the “New Team” button in the top-right corner.

  4. On the form, enter the name of your team and click “Save” (the other defaults are fine).

  5. Ignore the members of the newly created team (just you) and click on “projects” in the top navigation bar.

  6. On the empty “Projects” page, click on the “New Project” button in the top-right corner.

  7. On the form, enter the name of your project and click “Save” (the team you just created will be pre-selected; the other defaults are fine).

  8. You will be presented with instructions to set up your SDK. Basically: install an SDK, copy the DSN, and trigger an error on purpose.

  9. On the project-page in Bugsink, you should now see your issue. Feel free to explore the issue details and the stacktrace.

  10. Since you triggered the issue on purpose, you can click “Resolve” once you’ve seen enough.

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Bugsink and reported your first issue.