Error Tracking

At Bugsink, we understand how frustrating unexpected issues can be. That’s why we’ve built a system that helps you spot and solve problems as they happen, keeping your business running smoothly. Some of our features include:

  • Real-Time Alerts: Get notified instantly when something goes wrong. Our system lets you know right away, so you can jump in and fix things before they escalate.
  • Smart Grouping: Similar errors are grouped together into issues, making it easy to see patterns and address the most important problems first. It’s like having a shortcut to the root of the problem.
  • Clear Insights: We provide detailed stack traces with local variables, giving you a full picture of what’s happening under the hood. Understand the ‘why’ behind the issue, not just the ‘what.’

Why It’s Important:

We’re here to help you understand and resolve issues quickly. Whether it’s an error that affects your customers or a bug that slows you down, knowing where things went wrong is key to getting back on track.

Let Bugsink help you stay proactive and in control, so you can focus on what you do best: creating new errors features!

Error Tracking, not APM

At Bugsink, we’re all about tracking errors because that’s where the real issues lie. Unlike some APM (Application Performance Monitoring) tools that offer error tracking as a side feature, we put error tracking front and center.

Why we focus on Errors:

Errors impact your users and disrupt your service. When an error occurs, it means your expectations as a developer where not met. Its also where users experience the most frustration. We believe that by honing in on these pain points, we can provide the most value and help you deliver a seamless user experience.

Not your typical APM:

Bugsink isn’t an APM tool with error tracking tucked on as an afterthought. Our primary focus is on helping you identify, understand, and resolve errors quickly and efficiently. We specialize in giving you the insights you need to fix issues where they matter most.

We don’t clutter your dashboard with fancy graphs about the number of errors or when they occurred. Why? Because what really matters is having as few errors as possible and understanding the root cause when they do happen. Bugsink goes beyond just counting errors; we help you dive into the ‘why’ behind each issue, providing clear, actionable insights.

Let Bugsink be your go-to tool for error tracking, so you can stay ahead of issues and keep your users happy.